During my work period of the Young Talent Stipend, I intend to publish some of my thoughts every month. Left of this page (or top if you are using a mobile device), you will find an overview of categories. Select ‘Mondriaan Fund’ for an overview of all publications written during my work period.
#5 December 2020 – January 2021
December’s reflection has faded in the annual holiday turmoil. I decided not to force myself and instead merged December and January. In fact, two months might be a better time frame to reflect. The next published reflection is also likely to include a period of about two months.
[glass] I am making steady progress with glass. The more I learn, the more I see how much I will need to learn. And how much greater the options and challenges are than I imagined. I am learning new things every time I sit behind the burner. This was also my motivation to loosen up the schedule in January. I need the space to lose myself behind the burner. And I did.
I took the first steps in making my glass joints. I also experimented a bit with the filling of glass objects which was very exciting. A small documentation can be found on my hot glue page. [view page here]
[prototypes] I recently started using the GIM software. This software was developed by COMPMECH Research Group with the aim of approaching the difficulties commonly encountered in facing kinematic analysis of mechanisms. With the help of GIM, I can make prototypes faster, a growing collection of prototypes can be found by clicking the #prototype. The GIM simulation tool is very nice because it allows me to quickly estimate whether a movement is going the way I want.

At the end of January I invested in a small table saw so that I can make my own frames. My main goal is to frame my prototypes as a specimen of the evolution of my installations. In this way I want to make the evolution of my work visible and marketable.
[TSTST] Recently I founded the TSTST Foundation together with Sanne Schilder, Caio Vita, Jeroen Rijnart and Jochem Walboomers. With TSTST, we strive to create nomadic art spaces and an online platform that showcases artists establishing themselves at the intersection of art, media and technology.
Our nomadic existence requires a playful and flexible way of thinking. A playing field to orient, share knowledge and experiment in a relatively short time. What appeals to me is that TSTST is a test site, primarily a space for experiment and research.
We are currently looking for a new physical space with beautiful windows [again], at this location we are going to set up an exhibition that offers online and offline space for interactive and experimental installations.
[the GAME] Reading Alessandro Baricco’s The Game got me thinking about art in the context of the post-internet age. The web opened up a new habitat for humans, a digital copy of the world. Millions of web pages are located in a non-virtual place, which is, however, next to the ‘real’ world. We and the world no longer exist linearly (if we ever did) but live physically and virtually. And that is how I exist and my work also physically and virtually. Both ‘worlds’ with their own qualities and shortcomings. A valuable consideration for my presentation in the future.
Thanks for your attention.
To be continued.