#prototype Lotus

‘LOTUS’ is a small kinetic object that reacts to movement through the use of a proximety sensor. The movement is caused by a single servo motor, which moves the Lotus’ arms up and down. This prototype is develop during my residence at the ThinkerMakerspace at CYENS in Nicosia, Cyprus.

#prototype bundle

Accordion Title Accordion Content GIM This prototype was simulated in GIM software. The author wish to acknowledge Alfonso Hernández, CompMech, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UPVEHU for the permission to use the GIM® software. (www.ehu.es/compmech).

#prototype furl

Accordion Title Accordion Content GIM This prototype was simulated in GIM software. The author wish to acknowledge Alfonso Hernández, CompMech, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UPVEHU for the permission to use the GIM® software. (www.ehu.es/compmech).